Teaching Philosophy

As an opera singer and vocal instructor, my teaching philosophy is rooted in the principles of the Belcanto technique, which emphasizes beauty of sound, seamless vocal production, a solid breath support systen, pure Italian vowels, and expressive phrasing in every language. I have spent the last 25 years honing that technique with Master teachers like Maria Spacagna, Elizabeth Hynes, Ruth Falcon, Diana Soviero, and world famous Italian sopranos Mirella Freni, Renata Scotto, and Mariella Devia.
I believe that with proper guidance and dedication, every singer can express themselves musically and dramatically with freedom and ease, achieving their fullest vocal potential without force or strain and sharing their unique voice with the world. My mission is to equip artists with the skills and confidence to project their voices effortlessly and expressively. I guide singers toward healthy and natural vocal production, enabling them to use their voice, breath, vowels, and "squillante" resonance in the most efficient way possible to carry over an orchestra in a large theater without amplification, and without listening to themselves.
At the core of my teaching is my commitment to healthy, clean vocal pedagogy. I prioritize the well-being of my students' voices, ensuring that they develop techniques that promote longevity and resilience. This involves a strong emphasis on breath control, vocal support, intonation, emotional and artistic intelligence, and above all, relaxation. By focusing on these fundamental elements, students learn to produce a free and active sound that is both powerful and sustainable.
The Belcanto technique, with its rich history and proven efficacy, forms the cornerstone of my instruction. This method teaches students to blend their vocal registers seamlessly, achieve consistent, homogeneous, tone quality across their range, and develop agility for intricate passages. I encourage my students to explore the full range of their voices with confidence, emphasizing the importance of a balanced and coordinated approach to singing through daily vocalises whilst always aiming for a chiaroscuro, global, round sound.
A key aspect of my philosophy is the belief that the most natural way of singing is the most effective. I strive to help students find their own authentic voice, free from unnecessary tension and artificial manipulation or falsified overdarkening. By fostering an environment where students feel safe to experiment and discover their own sound, I help them build a solid technical foundation that allows for artistic freedom and personal expression. I am also encouraging of students' physical awareness and their ability to communicate and verbalize what they are doing so that they are also equipped to teach.
In addition to technical proficiency, I emphasize the importance of musicality, language, and interpretive skills. Opera is a deeply expressive art form, and I encourage my students to connect emotionally with the music and text, regardless of language. Through detailed study of the score, character analysis, and dramatic interpretation, I guide students in bringing their performances to life with authenticity and passion.
As a language instructor of Italian, English, and German, I firmly believe that every human has the potential to learn one or more foreign languages. My teaching philosophy is centered on the conviction that personalized and student-focused instruction is key to unlocking this potential. Each student brings a unique set of experiences, learning styles, and motivations to the classroom, and it is not only my duty but my strength to identify and cater to these individual needs, ensuring that every learner finds their own path to fluency.
My approach to teaching Italian is informed by my diverse experiences with the language and with foreign languages in general. Having learned Italian both in an academic setting and at home (I spoke a Southern dialect as a child), I possess a deep understanding of the challenges and joys that come with language acquisition. This dual perspective allows me to connect with students on multiple levels, providing insights that are both scholarly and practical. Additionally, my proficiency in multiple languages enables me to draw comparisons and make explanations in the students' native tongues, thereby enhancing comprehension and retention.
One of my key strengths is my ability to assist students with pronunciation and diction. As an opera singer, I have honed my ear and voice to achieve precise and authentic Italian pronunciation. This expertise allows me to guide students in mastering the sounds and rhythms of the language, which is crucial for effective communication and cultural immersion. I incorporate singing techniques and both kinesthetic and phonetic exercises into my language teaching, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective.
My classes are dynamic and interactive, fostering an environment where students feel comfortable experimenting with the language and making mistakes. I employ a variety of teaching methods, including conversational practice, multimedia resources, and cultural immersion activities, to engage students and accommodate different learning styles and levels. By creating a supportive and stimulating classroom atmosphere, I encourage students to take risks and develop their confidence in using Italian or any other target language in their everyday lives.
In conclusion, my teaching philosophies, regardless of subject, are rooted in the belief that personalized, empathetic, and culturally rich instruction can transform learning into a deeply rewarding experience. I am committed to helping each student discover their own unique path to mastering their voices and/or language skills confidently so they can communication freely with the world.
"Jessica è allegra, gentile e disponibile con i miei problemi. Le sue lezioni portano a una vocalizzazione sana e libera. Non mi sento mai in difficoltà anche online e mi sento sempre felice dopo le nostre lezioni. Vorrei studiare con lei sempre di più!" - Sakura Yamahara, Soprano, Japan
"Le lezioni con Jessica sono super dinamiche e divertenti, ho scoperto caratteristiche della mia voce che non conoscevo. Ho imparato molto in poco tempo, non vedo l'ora di programmare altre lezioni con lei. ¡Muchas gracias Jessica!" - Marilyn Viloria, Mezzo-Soprano, Venezuela
"Jessica is a great listener and really takes individuals' needs and focus as direction in her lessons. She is detail-oriented and takes time to really understand the work. She opened my eyes to a new method, singing a phrase backwards, and that really gave me a new bar of how well I can understand my scores." - Snæfríður Björnsdóttir, Soprano, Iceland
“I had been speaking basic Italian for years, but Jessica helped me take my language skills to the next level through a mix of conversation, grammar study, and reading interesting articles. She’s very organized, professional, and effective. I can’t recommend her teaching highly enough!” - Corinne Winters, Soprano, USA
"¡Las clases con Jessica son maravillosas! Es una excelente maestra, no sólo enseña la gramática que es algo fundamental, sino también el uso de ella en la vida real. El saber varios idiomas también es de una gran ayuda, ya que comprende cómo funciona el proceso de aprender otro idioma."
"Jessica is an amazing teacher, I love her classes! The way she teaches a new language is very helpful, she just doesn't teach grammar, which is very important, she teaches the use of it in real life. Moreover, it is very helpful that she speaks more languages because she understands how it works the process of learning a new language. I learned a lot of Italian, but also I practiced English in her classes." - Diana Carolina Rios, Soprano, Colombia
"I came to Jessica with very basic Italian and she really helped me improve in a short time. She quickly adapted a learning plan to fit my needs and schedule, which included a great mix of grammar study, speaking, writing, listening to native speakers, and reading articles. I highly recommend her if you’re looking for an Italian teacher and want to improve your skills!" - Emily Lorini, Mezzo-Soprano, USA
"Jessica took her time to explain the material and made sure all the students understood everything before proceeding. Fantastic teacher!"
"Loved the lesson. Good pace, and I learned a lot."
"Una buone lezione! Ho praticato molto."
"Wie immer bis jetzt, alles super. Die Stunde hat viel Spaß gemacht und ich habe viel gelernt. Es gab viele Möglichkeiten Konversationen zu üben."
"Wir konnten ausgiebig sprechen üben und Jessica kann sehr gut erklären. Sehr nett und lustig."
"Fantastic teacher, who teaches with passion! Very well prepared and motivated. Also kind and funny."
"Très bel échange. C'est ma 2ème leçon avec cette prof et bien sùr j'espère encore en suivre beaucoup sous sa direction."
"Come sempre, tutto bene. Grazie mille!"
"Great class. Very friendly and patient."
"Wie immer, ausgezeichnet, eine der besten Lehrerinnen von Babbel! PERFETTO!"
"Sehr sympathische, kompetente, einfühlsame Frau. Vielen Dank für die wunderbare Unterrichtsstunde! Tolle Lehrkraft."
"Jessica is fantastic! She had us all speaking Italian from the first moment and made everyone feel comfortable."
"Angenehmes Tempo und geht auf persönliche Bedürfnisse ein. Es war eine Freude, mit Jessica zu lernen. Sie war nicht nur als Lehrkraft großartig, sie war auch eine sympathische und aufmerksame Person."
"Jessica hat mich sehr gut unterstützen können und mir geholfen, meine Probleme zu lösen. Sehr guter Unterricht, sehr freundlich!"
"Sehr freundlich, gut auf die Teilnehmer eingegangen, so wie der Lernstand der Einzelnen war."
"Sehr engagiert, ganz reizend."
"My first class with Jessica and was very enjoyable and insightful. Look forward to enjoying her classes in the future."
"Muy buena maestra. Molto bene!"
"Jessica is a very kind and supportive teacher. I enjoyed her class - she allows ample time for dialogue, conversation, and practice of the concepts in the lesson."
"Jessica hat uns vorher gefragt, wie wir diese Stunde gestalten wollen und ist auf unser Niveau eingegangen, da wir eigentlich für A level alle zu gut waren. Super Konversationsstunde und sehr lustig, motivierend. Danke!"
"Gute Anleitung der Gruppe, hilfreiche und verständliche Korrektur und Erklärungen."
"Fantastico, grazie mille!"
"Es war super lustig und nett mit ihr. Glücklicherweise konnten wir alle 3 Teilnehmer schon etwas mehr verstehen als A1, sonst wäre es vielleicht ein bisschen zu schwer gewesen, was sie erzählt und erklärt hat. Aber für uns war es perfekt. Sie hat auch sehr schön im Chat mitgeschrieben, was wir gefragt oder nicht verstanden haben. Sie ist sehr flexibel auf uns eingegangen."
"Jessica ist sehr wortgewandt und spricht viel. Sie versteht aber auch Spass und ist sehr freundlich."
"Locker, fröhlich, lehrreich. Ausgezeichnet. Jessica ist eine meiner neuen Lieblingslehrerinnen! :)"
"Come sempre, tutto bene :)"
"Empathische Lehrerin, die den Unterricht an die Teilnehmer anpasst. Daher war diese Stunde sehr lehrreich für mich. Grazie."
"Sehr sympatisch, wir haben viel gesprochen, der Unterricht hat Spaß gemacht."
"Kompetent, geduldig, freundlich."
"Très bonne prof, souriante une qui donne envie de continuer la langue italienne."
"Excelente profesora."
"What a great teacher. She got us all talking and the whole lesson was so enjoyable. I look forward to attending one of her classes again."
"Très attentive à chacun et engageante pour la conversation."
"Bravissimo - era una classe molto divertente e interessante! Ho imparato molto! Grazie mille Jessica! :-)"
"So incredibly helpful and patient with all learners of all levels. I learned a great deal."
"Charming, friendly, understandable. Would love to take more classes with her."
"Mega!! Ganz tolle Persönlichkeit, viele Dinge gelernt und dabei noch viel Spaß gehabt. Gerne wieder :)"
"Die Lehrkraft hat sehr viel Wert auf die Aussprache gelegt. Das war für mich sehr hilfreich. Außerdem konnte ich das Sprechen sehr gut üben. Danke!"
"Jessica was creative in finding opportunities for students to speak Italian."
"Die Grammatik wurde super erklärt und wir haben viel sprechen geübt."
"Jessica ist eine sympathische und kompetente Lehrerin."
"Jessica is a good teacher who really wants her students to learn well."
"Sie hat alles gut erklärt, mir immer genügend Zeit gelassen und sich stets rückversichert, ob ich Fragen habe. Es hat Spaß gemacht!"
"Prof très intéressante."
"She was great! Good time management, involved everyone in the class, friendly."
"Ich hatte die Möglichkeit sehr viele Weg Beschreibungen zu üben und das hat mir sehr geholfen meine Kenntnisse dahingehend zu verbessern. Jessica hat das großartig gemacht!"
"Jessica is simply a wonderful instructor. I very much enjoy her lessons and look forward to many more."
"She was great…the material was difficult but she did a great job explaining the concepts."
"Class with Jessica was great! She offers an interesting perspective being fluent in English, Italian, and German. I enjoyed class with her, learned a lot, and look forward to my next class!"
"Der Unterricht war sehr toll und lehrreich. Jessica kann sehr gut erklären und einen motivieren."
"Exelente profesora, explica muy claro siempre y hace interactúar a los alumnos. Super!"
"Angenehm und kompetent. Es war ein lebhafter, redeaktiver Unterricht. Jessica hat sich viel Zeit genommen für Erklärungen."
"Jessica was great and kept the class very interactive, which I enjoyed a lot! Calm and encouraging. Thank you!!! Excellent professor."
"Jessica was very nice and adapted really well to the pace, level, and interests of the students in the class. I look forward to taking more classes with her in the future. Very friendly, supportive class. She was very clear and encouraging. She corrected us nicely and clearly. She did a good job of getting us talking to each other."
"Really enjoyed the lesson - good pace and my confusion around reflexive verbs was sorted out!"
"Ottima professionalità 5*!"
"This platform should offer an option to tip the teachers! Great!"
"Eine sehr interessante und angenehme Persönlichkeit, die auch direktes Feedback und positive Rückmeldungen gibt, würde ich gerne näher kennenlernen."
"Gute Lehrerin, strukturiert und unterhaltsam, tolle Stunde. Grammatik sehr gut erklärt, viel diskutiert."
"Come sempre era una lezione bellisima! Grazie mille :)"
"As I was the only student, we discussed many ideas, it was a very effective hour. She was very encouraging and gave me me insight into my learning style. Very thoughtful person."
"Der Unterricht hat mir sehr geholfen und hat mir auch sehr gut gefallen."
"Jessica was wonderful! I appreciate her patience."
"Ich bevorzuge die Stunden mit Jessica. Sie ist sehr nett und konnte mich mit meinen Bedürfnissen sehr gut auffangen."
"Very helpful teacher- the best teacher!"
"Wir hatten tolle Diskussionen und alles wurde toll erklärt. Die Stunden mit Jessica sind immer toll und lehrreich. Sie kann sehr gut die Grammatik erklären."
"Excellent teacher - 5 stars!"
"Sehr geduldig und erklärt sehr gut. Jessica ist eine sehr gute Lehrerin. Grammatik und die komplizierten Wörter wurden sehr gut erklärt."
"Jessica understands the struggles of learning a new language and meets the student at their level and helps them up. Thank you Jessica!"
"Sehr gut. Der Unterricht hat Spaß gemacht und die Zeit wurde gut genutzt, ich habe viel neues erfahren. Sie ist lustig, sympathisch, flexibel, intelligent!"